Tuesday, September 25, 2012

October workout plan

Ingat cik bonbon je ade jadual??
Cik gorjes(lah sgttt) pon tanak kalah
Ni jadual perancangan workout utk
bulan October :))

Day Strength/Weight Cardio Additional Backup Plan
Monday Weight HIIT  -  Kettlebell + TABATA
Tuesday *Weight *LISS  -   Brisk walk
Wednesday Kettlebell - TABATA  -
Thursday Weight HIIT  - Zuzana/ATF/whatever related
Friday Weight Pylometrics  -   -
Saturday Kettlebell  - Yoga/Pilates Brisk walk
Sunday   Brisk walk    

Backup plan terjadi apabila tetiba ade emergency
yg tdk membolehkan iols ke gym
meaning that buat kat rumah
kettlebell pon kat rumah ajer
*pengecualian hari Selasa, kalau free buat
weight kat gym

HIIT plan nak buat dekat treadmill jer and brisk walk
kat hills ngan tangga ke syurga dekat umah tu
Friday bleh wat pylo sbb takde org kat gym
so bleh terkinja tanpa org ushar pelik wadehel
I am doing kehkeh

Bila rest day nye nyah?
Ntah..bila rasa letih so ari itu la rest day
and Sunday utk food prep

aci kan?? ade komen x?

Monday, September 24, 2012

French Toast with Malay Fusion

Nak jugakk word fusion :)
This is a simple yet healthy recipe, sesuai utk breakfast
cuba try

French toast 
1. 2 keping whole grain bread
2. 2 biji telur (1 full egg, 1 omit yolk)

1. Whisk 2 eggs tu dgn sprink some blackpepper
2. celup roti dlm eggs
3. spray tray dgn cooking oil/slather pon ok (use canola or olive oil)
4. bakar dlm 12 minit

Sambal ikan bilis 
1. 1 garlic
2. 1 shallot
3. 2 sudu cili boh
4. Segenggam ikan bilis
5. Perahan air asam jawa (1 cubit asam jawa, 1/2 cup water)
6. 1 tbsp minyak canola@zaitun

1. Panaskan minyak
2. Masukkan garlic ngan shallot yg telah dihiris
3. Tumiskan cili boh sehingga agak kering (xde pecah2 minyak sbb minyak skit)
4. Masukkan perahan asam jawa
5. Masukkan ikan bilis
6. Tunggu sehingga kering *Boleh masukkan cili merah potong dan shallot rings kalo suka

Iols x guna garam gula pun..ikan bilis kan dah masin
agak2 tak tahan pedas, letak 1 sudu cili boh jer
jgn letak gula 'sugar is legal cocaine' kekdahnye wakakaka
utk tambah fibre boleh amik buah such as kiwi/green apple whatever you like la k ..

                                                          selamat mencicah!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ikan Bakar Jalan Bellamy

Tambah kalori lagi senangkan dari nak kurangkan kalori?!!
Takyah workout, xyah xyah xyah
kita pi tambah lemak ye

Ikan bakar Jalan Bellamy/ belakang istana lama
murah siot..
makan 2 ni kat atas campur air (nasi x amik)
tapau ikan kembung bakar, cuma rm20
tapau lagi ikan terubuk utk mak, dpt 2 keping medium size
rm6 jerrr..muroh2
Kalau buat sendiri mmg x letak lsg garam dan minyak
provided utk makan sendiri, kalau utk laki ka mmg buat
proper la tp dia teringin gak ayam bakaq tawaq hebiaq aku tu
Tapi mmg sedap ini ikan bakar, skg ni susah nak jumpa yg best2
ala2 melepaskan batok di tangga jer
So, gi la try..sedap dan murah
at least byk gak protein dr makan fries ke nugget ke mmg
empty calories(x berkhasiat)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Skyrocketting appetite workouts

Sgt laparrrr adalah
conclusion for this week

Monday (lupa berapa weights)
1)5 mins warm up
2)Squat (1x12, 3x 6)
- Standing overhead press (1x12, 3x6)
- Negative pull ups x berapa nak menjadi (5 sets of 5)
3)Standing lat pulldown (5 x 10)

Elliptical ni menipu dowhh
aku set 30 mins, level 8, fatburn mode
tapi 2 minit kayuh rasa berat gila, rupanya dia
level 40!!! 10 mins berlalu tp dia tulis br 3 minit
mmg tulisan dia blinking2 nampak x nampak
tp aku buat habis gak 30 mins..peluh cam mandi

Full Body  Strength & Conditioning Workout
Set 1 (3 x 10)
  1. Rear Foot Elevated Bulgarian Squat (right and left) – 8kg KB
  2. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift (right and left) – ''
  3. Push Ups 

Set 2
(40/20) - 3 rounds

  1. Two-Handed KB Swing
  2. Burpee
  3. Vertical Pull Burpee
  4. Dynamic Squat
  5. Push Press
10 mins warm up
1. Reverse lunge (12kg x 1 x 12, 16kg x 3 x 6)
Superset 1
- weighted push ups (10lbs x 1 x 12, 10lbs x 3 x6)
- inverted row (5lbs x 1 x 12, 5lbs x 3 x 6)

2. deadlift (50kg x 1 x 12, 62kg x 3 x 6)
superset 2
- dumbell row (15lbs x 1 x 12, 15lbs x 3 x 6)
- Close grip press (10kg x 1 x 12, 19kg x 3 x 6)

Hill sprints (treadmill inclined to 12 and various speed)
8x sprints, 20/40
nak buat 10x tp malaunnn mana ntah isap rokok kat bawah
terus asma akuuu kena berentii!!!

Then I just tried new machines, takde orggg best gila babs
Diet 3 ari kelaut sbb masa kuranng dan keletihan melampau
makan je ape ade

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Menyampah pun ade dgn puak2 camnih

Need to vent out here
Maybe only fitness friends yg paham tp xpe nak bebel gakss
Okay when it comes to lose weight/ shed fat or whatsoever related
I'm a firm believer of eating right and exercising...takde short cut
mok cut, kalau ade pon akan bahayakan diri or u will gain back soon

There are some people jual products kat my workplace mcm
meal replacement, ubat and corset..ok I never look down of these people
dia nak cari rezeki lebih or just want to share his/her so called 'secret'
tp kalau jenis kalau org tanak beli dia nak malukan atau 'balas' balik
sgt la x professional and annoying

One day tu, I wore baju JM(Jovian Mandagie) RTW collection yang caused
a stir during raya...alaaa yg org kata kalau terjumpa boleh buat team boria tu
to my workplace, ada yg tahu the price ada yg insist duk tanyaaaa berapa2
so I just tell lah...

melalui satu group ni yg tgh bersembang tgh2 dunia'

'rasanya kalau beli riben besar ni jahit senirik lagi murah'
(sgt whatever okkkk, ada aku kesahhhh)
'Saya pon muat baju ni, tapi gorjes...kalau pakai dx lagi cun pakai baju ni'
me: pabenda dx??
'oooo meh siniiii (igt bleh trap aku la tuhh)
terus aku tarik kawan aku sorang lg blah (spontan) ehhh x minat2
pastu terus manusia satu lg ckp kuat2
'gorjes tu relaaa pakai baju 3 ratus banding beli dx bayar 100 bulan2!'
3 ratus bayar sekali jer tp yg bulan2 tu harga 4k kottttt!!!!
membazir gilaaaaa
baik aku beli set dumbell, kettlebell, polar watch..mcm2 dpt
paling2 benak pun aku sanggup beli beg Prada dr beli slimming corset 4k
satu lg tu perlu ke cakap kuat2??!!!
Tapi hari tu mmg hari menyampah sbb ada jer nak kata kat baju aku tu
apakah dosa baju JM?? Oh Melayuuuuuuu

bab2 kurus badan mmg dah jadi slalu bahan ckp among us
biasakk laa ramai pompuan
selain aku yg lain duk amik produk laaa so aku idak la join berckp
just mendengar jer..mazhab aku cuma aku ngan sorang lg anak dara
nun duduk seberang sana
tetiba aku ditanya
'gorjes..jaga badan x'
'huihh dia mmg jaga sgt, makanan masak sendiri bawak mai sini'
'gorjes ni berisi tp jenis berisi seksi ' - ok ade ke jenis ni??
ohh aku kononnya nak educate pasal fitness
'ohh saya angkat berat(lift weight), angkat berat mmg bagi nice
shape, sbb dia tone kan badan bla bla bla'

'ehh mana bleh jatuh peranakan ngt angkat berat'
'taklah kalau form yg btol...'
'iyeee jatuhhh'
FINEEEE, malas nak berbalah

* I pigged out during my pregnancy, causing hefty weight gains
trying to lose 4 months after gave birth but have to stop
for a while due to my asthma
now restarting mission hahaha
I dun mind people call me chubby, fat, heavy etc because
yes I am!! But at least I do something!!
I don't regret a thing, I brought a life to this world!!
But insya Allah I'll be more cautious in the next pregnancy

Monday, September 3, 2012

Simple and Sweet Workout

My workout is in 'Simple and Sweet' mode
due to my hectic schedules
Simple but I make sure that I lift heavy and kick ass worthy!
*I've been in workout hiatus because my asthma gOt worsened...
put on weights and now need to shed them off!!

1. Barbell squat (40lbs x 1 x 12, 50lbs x 3 x 5)
2. Dumbell overhead press (5kg x 1 x 12, 5kgx 3 x 6)
3. Inverted row (5 sets, 6-12 reps)
*Hill sprints using treadmill, 10-12 sprints

1. Deadlift (50lbs x 1 x 12, 70lbs x 3 x 6)
2. Close grip push ups (5 x 12)
3. Inverted row, palms up ( 5 sets, 6-12 reps)
*Hill sprints (same as above)


*inspired by Sis Leny, luvvvv it!!!
Set 1
Interval Training
12 rounds of 10/30~2-arm kettlebell swings(8KG)
1 leg crawl + push up(right)
1 leg crawl + push up(left)
Side lunge jump
KB Wall Sit  8KG KB on Goblet Hold
Plank Climber 
*Rest and repeat one more time

Set 2
Reverse lunge (6lbs x 1 x 12 each legs, 8kg x 3 x 6 each legs)
Push ups (5 x 6-12)
Dumbell row (6lbs x 1 x12, 8kg x 3 x 6)

Set 3
(10/20) - 2 rounds
1. Kick butt
2. Jumping jack
3. High knees
4. Squat jumps

1 minute plank